Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hello Everyone!

Hello everyone! I love baking and spend so many of my days off work trying out new recipes and techniques. Sometimes it seems like all the stars align and my experiments turn out to be master pieces. Other times things don't turn out the way i want and i chalk it up to a learning lesson. Often I find myself browsing the Internet for tips when i feel stuck and have stumbled across some really fun blogs. That's brought me here; I'd like to think something i try out might help someone else.

That brings me to my mission with this blog: Inspired by Julia&Julie, iv'e decided to work my way through my favorite cupcake cookbook, Martha Stewart's Cupcakes, and post about all my experiences (including pictures). I'm going to talk about how it turned out, what worked, what i might change next time, etc... Along the way I'll also share any other yummy treats i make!


This next weekend is my nephew's 1st birthday and my sister asked me if I'd make some delicious cupcakes for the event. Of course i said yes! I'm still trying to come up with ideas for what I'm going to do but as soon as i have I'll be sure to post pics so stay tuned!

In the meantime, here is a pic of the most recent cupcakes i made. 
I made these for my friends birthday. Needless to say she is a hello kitty fan and everyone thought these were adorable! It was also my first time using fondant so i was pleased with how they turned out, even though it was VERY time consuming! Oh yeah, did i mention they were DELICIOUS?!?! They were a Madagascar Vanilla Bean Cake with a Dulce de Leche filling, yummy!


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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hello Everyone!

Posted by Sweet Lissie at 12:44 AM
Hello everyone! I love baking and spend so many of my days off work trying out new recipes and techniques. Sometimes it seems like all the stars align and my experiments turn out to be master pieces. Other times things don't turn out the way i want and i chalk it up to a learning lesson. Often I find myself browsing the Internet for tips when i feel stuck and have stumbled across some really fun blogs. That's brought me here; I'd like to think something i try out might help someone else.

That brings me to my mission with this blog: Inspired by Julia&Julie, iv'e decided to work my way through my favorite cupcake cookbook, Martha Stewart's Cupcakes, and post about all my experiences (including pictures). I'm going to talk about how it turned out, what worked, what i might change next time, etc... Along the way I'll also share any other yummy treats i make!


This next weekend is my nephew's 1st birthday and my sister asked me if I'd make some delicious cupcakes for the event. Of course i said yes! I'm still trying to come up with ideas for what I'm going to do but as soon as i have I'll be sure to post pics so stay tuned!

In the meantime, here is a pic of the most recent cupcakes i made. 
I made these for my friends birthday. Needless to say she is a hello kitty fan and everyone thought these were adorable! It was also my first time using fondant so i was pleased with how they turned out, even though it was VERY time consuming! Oh yeah, did i mention they were DELICIOUS?!?! They were a Madagascar Vanilla Bean Cake with a Dulce de Leche filling, yummy!

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